Tap on an attachment and you should see a dialog box Open with…. One method is to send an email to yourself and open it in a native Mail app on the iPhone.

There are generally three ways to add own books and personal docs to book reading iOS apps. Some ebookstores (Kindle, Kobo, Nook) offer book-syncing via their cloud library, but you can add books directly to the device, as well.
#Can you highlight a doc file in goodreader app install
Once you install a book reading app on the iPhone, you can easily add your own books to it. It’s one of the most prominent advantages multi-purpose tablets and smartphones have over dedicated e-readers. You can use other apps, too, you don’t have to limit yourself to a single app. IBooks is Apple’s own e-reading application, but it’s not obligatory to use it. Why not giving it a try? Below you’ll find tips and tricks to make the most of it. Ironically, it was the iPhone to show up as a surprisingly good ebook reading device. In an interview for The New York Times in early 2008, Steve Jobs said that “people don’t read any more”. If you don’t have a problem reading Facebook status updates or comments why should you have it in a book reading application? What’s more, in any book reading application you can make the font bigger, much bigger, than in The New York Times. Do you have a problem with that size while reading a print edition of The New York Times? iPhone screen in a portrait position has the width of a newspaper column.

IPhone offers reading versatility of the tablet.

Just like a habit (conditioned reflex?) of checking out Twitter app, you can reach for the iPhone to open a book reading app, even if you’ve got only a couple of spare minutes. Reading on the iPhone in a subway or while waiting for a bus can seriously increase the amount of time you devote to book reading. Library Lover’s Month – there are so many ways to celebrate! If the characters from famous Russian novels had been killed in the war